spanish editing symbols | editing | Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch
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Limited Input Mode - Mehr als 1000 ungeprüfte Übersetzungen! Du kannst trotzdem eine neue Übersetzung vorschlagen, wenn du dich einloggst und andere
English to Spanish Translations
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edit - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions Compound Forms: copy edit, copyediting, copy-editing vtr (revise and correct: text)
editing - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions Principal Translations: editing n (text: correction, revision) edición nf : corrección nf

Using the Keyboard. You can also type symbols and accents directly into Quizlet with keyboard shortcuts. For Mac Users á, é, í, ó, ú = option + E, then press vowel
Professional Translation Services Selected clients: English to Spanish Translations. Whatever your English to Spanish translations or Spanish to English
spanish editing symbols | symbol | Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch | symbol | Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch Spanish Editing Marks
editing - English-Spanish Dictionary.
edit - English-Spanish Dictionary.